Hey Buddy 2.0

We loved you so much.
We still do, we love you so much, it hurts our hearts.
We love you so much, none of us can live without a soul like yours in our house.
The only thing that kept me sane at night was you.
When I had no one to lean on, it was you who gave me strength for eight years. The eight years that were full of change, full of horror, full of growth, full of awe, full of life.
I tried not to tell anyone how hurt I am ever since you are gone, but ever since you are gone, so is a part of me.

I know I can never possibly replace that part, but I can have someone try to carry on doing what you did to me and giving me love as unconditional as yours.
I can have someone help me overcome the whole that you left in my heart.
I can have someone to fill the emptiness and bring back the real me, the me I was with you, can't I?

Because if I can't, send me a sign and I'll call it off immediately, I'll tell them we can't do that to you.
I just wish you were back with me, because if you were here, the would be no problems and I'd lay by your side outside in the hallway and you'd fall asleep while i'd be rubbing the black spot on your belly, like it always was. And I'd tell you all my worries and my problems and you'd just listen and then look at me and then i'd know that everything is okay and all the problems would vanish and the sky would clear up and I'd be happy again.

I just wish you were here. I miss you. So. Much.
